Privacy Policy

At Web of Life, we deeply respect your privacy concerns and are committed to protecting your personal information responsibly and securely.

Our Commitment to Your Privacy:

Our policy is straightforward: any information you provide is confidential and remains solely within our organization. We never rent, sell, lend, or distribute your personal information to anyone, for any reason.

Data Access and Use:

Only a select number of employees with special access privileges can view your personal data. We compile demographic information for internal use, but it does not include identifiable personal data.

Information Collection:

To process your orders, we need your name, address, phone number, and email. We also gather non-personal data like your IP address for site functionality and demographic analysis.

Information Modification:

You have the liberty to modify your personal details through the ‘Edit Profile’ feature on our site.

Information Sharing:

We do not share your information except for necessary business functions like shipping and payment processing. Law enforcement and fraud prevention are other scenarios where data sharing might be required.

Use of Information:

Your email is primarily used for order confirmation and customer service communication. All collected information is stored confidentially and disclosed only under legal obligations or dispute resolution.

For any questions regarding this policy, you can contact us at

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